logo/icon Andrew Senior's Gallery

I am a new media artist, sculptor and photographer working in New York. My principal media are electronic images, welded steel and landscape art with found materials.

This page links to a few selected works. Use the back button to return to this page. You can see many more works by browsing through the main categories shown below.

For a description of the unifying themes in my art, informed by my research into computer vision, please read my statement, resume, and publications. The pages showing my art works are organised by media:

Selected Works


An exploration of the secret lives of texts. 2006.

Couch Potato Farm

Artificial life living in television signals, 2005.


Cultural boundaries in speech, 2004.

Subway Lifecycle

A creation myth for the NY subway system 2002.

Digital landscapes

Fingerprints rendered as landscapes.

Labours of Hercules
Vandalism and encroaching nature in an
abandoned primary school July 2005

Last Refuge
Mountain refuges around the world.
2005, ongoing

Sea defences
Abstract geometric forms in Japanese
concrete sea defences 2004

Cairn circle

Installation landscape art 2004.

Quipu II

The NYC subway system from
knotted string 2006.


Pure geometry from found Metrocards 2002

All works

ElectronicaWorks in digital media Landscape artCairns and more
SculptureWorks in steel and other media DesignFurniture, lighting and furnishings