Andrew Senior Professional Activities
- Fellow IEEE 2018.
- Area chair ICML 2018.
- Lecturer, University of Oxford NLP course, 2017.
- Area chair CVPR 2011.
- Guest editor (with Samson Cheung and Deepa Kundur) of EURASIP Journal of Information Security special issue on Privacy Protection in Multimedia Systems 2010.
- Editorial board, Pattern recognition journal (Elsevier). 2007-
- Organiser, Special session on video systems for retail applications at AVSS 2007 (London September 2007).
- Referee/reviewer for numerous government research projects (EU
6th framework "AMI"), Swiss, Canadian, Hong Kong, US NSF (2005,
2009, 2010), Australian ISL, Cyprus, Croatia, and PhD external examiner.
- Invited speaker IEEE Multimedia Signal Processing 2006: "Smart Surveillance: Advanced Video Analytics and Middleware for Security and Retail Applications"
- Editorial board member Journal of Privacy Technology
- Reviewer/PC member: CVPR 2010, ICPR2010, AMIA (American Medical Informatics Association) Symposium 2010, ACM MM 2010, International Workshop on Parts and Attributes ECCV2010
- Ran workshop on "Computer Vision for Artists" at ISEA 2006 / San Jose zero one
- Co-chair and curatorial committee member ACM Multimedia conference 2005 Art Program
- Workshop cochair IEEE Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures at ICCV 2005
- PC member CVPR 2006, 2007, 2008
- Invited talks at universities: Stanford, MIT, Cambridge, Paris XI, Queensland University of Technology, Technical University of Crete, Sabanci, University of North Carolina, Osaka, EPFL, Kingston.
- Associate professor Columbia University 2008.
- Presenter Short course on biometrics CVPR 2003. Slides (Part 1, Part 2)
- PC Co-chair for IEEE International Workshop on Analysis and Modelling of Faces and Gestures
(AMFG) 2003 (Joint RATFG and WAMMFR)
- Program committee member for Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance Systems (PETS) 2006, 2002 & 2001 and Joint PETS/Visual Surveillance workshop 2003 VS2006, CVPR 2006
- Invited Biometrics tutorial at Biometrics 2001, London November 2001.
- Chair of second Recognition, Analysis
and Tracking of Face and Gestures in Real Time Systems
(RATFG-RTS) Workshop at ICCV 2001
in Vancouver, 13th July 2001.
- Co-chair of special session on robust biometrics at KES 2000
- Co-chair of first RATFG-RTS workshop at ICCV 1999.
- Invited speaker on
Biometrics at Smart
Airports 2 (cf. IdTechEx).
- Co-organizer of tutorials on biometrics at
- IBM's delegate to the BioAPI biometrics
API technical standards body in 1999.
- Senior member of the IEEE in 2000
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Andrew Senior