Off-line Handwriting Recognition Using Recurrent Neural Networks
I wrote this thesis for my Ph.D. while a research student at
Cambridge University
Engineering Department, in the Speech, Vision and Robotics
Computer handwriting recognition offers a new way of improving the
human-computer interface and of enabling computers to read and process
the many handwritten documents that must currently be processed
manually. This thesis describes the design of a system that can transcribe
handwritten documents.
First, a review of the aims and applications of computer handwriting
recognition is presented, followed by a description of
relevant psychological research. Previous researchers' approaches to
the problems of off-line handwriting recognition are then described.
A complete system for automatic, off-line recognition of handwriting
is then detailed, which takes word images scanned from a handwritten
page and produces word-level output. Methods for the normalization
and representation of handwritten words are described, including a
novel technique for detecting stroke-like features. Three probability
estimation techniques are described, and their application to
handwriting recognition investigated. The method of combining the
probability estimates to choose the most likely word is described, and
performance improvements are made by modelling the lengths of letters
and the frequency of words in the corpus. The system is tested on a
database of transcripts from a corpus of modern English and
recognition results are shown. Recognition is described both with the
search constrained to a fixed vocabulary and with an unlimited
The final chapter summarizes the system and highlights the advances
made before assessing where future work is most likely to bring about
Key words
Off-line cursive script, handwriting recognition, OCR, recurrent neural
networks, forward-backward algorithm, hidden Markov models, duration modelling.
Complete text
You can download my thesis: pdf or gzipped postscript.
I have made the data which I collected as part of my PhD work publicly
available. Read
a brief
description first, then
get a
sample. After that you can download the whole database
of numbers
data (11MB) or LOB corpus data
(35MB). The data is also available from
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Andrew Senior